Corso Using Workflows in Your Sales Process


Course delivered in English
Lessons: 4
Level: Beginners
Access: Free Online Course (Audit)

Course info:

Using Workflows in Your Sales Process course has 4 videos and can be completed in just 25 minutes

  • Introduction to Sales Automation - 10 minutes
  • Activity: Pondering About Properties - 5 minutes read
  • Using Automation to Save Rejected Leads - 2 minutes
  • Activity: Lead Rejection - 5 minutes read
  • Automating Task Creation - 6 minutes
  • Activity: Workflow Inspiration - 5 minutes read
  • Getting Creative With Workflows - 6 minutes
  • Activity: Create a Workflow - 15 minutes read

Obiettivi didattici

Sales reps spend a lot of times on data entry and administrative work.

This lesson covers several examples of workflows that make life easier for your sales team and that also give you better, more reliable data on your customers. (Recorded from a live training given in Boston in September 2019)

Struttura del corso

This course is managed by the external partner Hubspot Academy To take this course you will need to register on their Academy platform where you can take advantage of this and other courses offered. Hubspot Academy will not issue you a Certification. We will do it!

Once you have finished the course, go back to the course page in Guilds42 to upload proof of completion (jpg / png / pdf). Your document will be evaluated and if appropriate and verifiable, you will find this certification validated in the dashboard.

CRM & Sales
Corso aperto dal 24/10/2020
Durata 1

Questo corso include:

Gilda è sostenuto da Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale nell’ambito del bando Futura. Il progetto è promosso da ITS Volta di Palermo in collaborazione con Fondazione Hora, Guilds42 Aps e in qualità di partner sostenitori Confindustria Sicilia e Associazione La Linea della Palma APL.